So the other day the head Porker and I are traversing our way through Coastal Farm and Ranch when the idea came to us that we wanted to be parents. We acted pretty fast and left with four of the cutest little baby cluckers imaginable (thanks mostly to my extraordinarily adept chicken wrangling skills) we immediately went back to his new house where I decided the bath tub was the best place for them until we could find a more suitable home for them.
Little did we know how cute the little chirps and peeps are and also how fragile!
It took only a couple days until our baby clucker parenting skills were challenged with the 'pasting-up' of two of the baby chicks.
For those of you that don't know baby cluckers have a 'vent' which is where the eggs and other poopy stuff shoot out of. Sometimes the 'vent' gets covered (by poopy stuff) and its very serious (not something to be laughed at all-don't laugh), much more serious than constipation because the little clucker can die from it- which is a very serious matter and shouldn't be laughed at all.
Thankfully our new little flock is chirping away nicely and with the help of some boiled eggs that we have been feeding them and some gerbal food they are progressing along nicely - (just kidding)
There are several things that one should know if you want to become baby clucker parents- it would be best to hire a consultant like I did when I got my flock but if your inclined to just do it! here are some helpful facts.
1. You should know all about baby cluckers vents and potential blockage hazards like cedar shavings
2. Lady cluckers lay eggs without a rooster present (you'd be surprised who doesn't know that!)
3. You should get a comfy chair and play with them daily so when they grow up and your trying to get them inside the coop at night they don't think they are going to die if you pick them up
4. You should not wash them with Ajax and a hose (I never attempted this btw but a dear friends mother did it on a regular basis) its not advised as traumatized chickens don't lay eggs very well
5. You should not take the baby cluckers on long walks - because they can die if they are away from heat and will make a very alarming distressed chirp
The most important fact that you should know about baby cluckers is that it takes up to six months for them to lay. Thankfully I have done exceedingly well and done all the hard work for you and now have a flourishing flock of curd eating cluckers that happily consume cheese and wriggly crawly things! This season at the market you will be able to get our eggs in stunning pink cartons which should make you (and I) very happy because who doesn't like a little pink?
If you are opposed to pink (I cannot imagine why) but your still charmed by our curd eating variety pack chicken eggs we will have some gray cartons on hand (and we wont even laugh at you if you ask for one!)
I have been up to my elbows in curd this week due to the reopening of the Portland Farmers Market at PSU this Saturday and of course the ever reliable Hillsdale farmers market on Sunday.
If this wasn't enough the Oregon Cheese Festival is also this saturday! Its supposed to be a glorious week and will be 75 degrees down in Central Point at the Cheese Festival this weekend so if your in the mood for a cheesy road trip come check it out!
We will have a hoopla (technical term btw) of new cheeses this week! Today I carefully ladled the new fresh lactic cheese, called Lily Pad , into its forms with non other than Lily herself perched on my back! In addition to the new Lily Pad we will certainly have all your favorites as well as a new cheeses Fromage du Terre the Fromage Blanc and Feta!
FFF! but in a good way :)
I had an artisan moment this evening when I was in the cheese room packaging my feta in the most lovely shade of honey/green brine your eyes ever laid eyes on. I am so very proud of all the cheeses on my table this week. Watch out because my electric overenthusiastic energy may zap you if you come to near!
Adieu Adieu
Yours always
Cheese Czarina!!