Yesterday was a glorious Spring day here in Nowwheresville. On my way to the cheese room I saw that the strikingly handsome bald eagle had indeed found himself a lovely lady baldy - they were quite a picture to look at perched up in the tree, it was very romantical......
I also saw that one of the moo cows had indeed produced twins during the night and the two calves were both trying to get some milk from her at the same time.
It was positively the most 'country' scene ever especially with the bulbs popping up! So spring!
The other evening I was lucky enough to have dinner with a cheese expert, a culture expert and an equipment expert! x3 the fun!
That is my kind of dinner which was topped off -only- by the fact that during dinner I was also making a batch of cheese. Sitting down with these gentleman pointed out to me yet again, that "I know nothing" and greedily soaked up the wise words they had for me :)
NOT all is sugar and spice and all things nice however, it appear that India doesn't want me (or doesn't want me in the time frame that I can travel and which my tickets were booked for.) So sadly my vacation has turned into one of those very fashionable staycations! Yes my Yeti will have to wait... as will my glorious mountain excursions that I had planned and all the tea that I was desperate to buy.
What does this mean for you? Well it means that Spring butter will be available a little early this year. With the cows already out on the pasture in the next couple weeks we are all in for a buttery treat!
I was feeling a little bleu after my cancellation so I threw myself into a churning frenzy and made a large batch of creamy fresh ricotta. In honor of my hand scooping extravaganza I will be having a Spring promotion on the ricotta this Sunday at the Hillsdale farmers market.
Last week I promised my neighbor boys (4 and 7) that I would pay them .10 for every worm and a .25 for every slug they brought me. The boys sauntered up to my doorstep with a big ol bucket of wrigly crawly things and the chickens ate greedily from it. I know this may seem a little gross (it kinda is) but the end result is a very rich yolk in the egg of which anyone can enjoy! It has been proven by 'emerging science' that eggs eaten fresh have lower cholesterol than store bought eggs!
I will have plenty of butter and eggs and ricotta this week.
Peculiarly enough I still have a spot or two available in my cheesy class scheduled for saturday so if you and a friend feel like trying your hand at some cheese making sign up! We will be serving a light supper and some wine with the class to reserve your seat call (503) 546-3737. I am particularly looking forward to the wine!
Haha moment ...
My friend Marcus stopped by a sandwich shop one afternoon and placed his order with the girl at the counter. She rattled off a list of condiments, but he stopped her when she asked if he wanted white cheese or yellow.
"What's the difference?" he asked.
"Hello?" replied the girl, sighing and rolling her eyes. "The COLOR is different!"
(yes she was blond...)
What does a cheese alcoholic call for? Morbier
What do you call an oriental cheese? Parm-asian
Did you hear about the cheese fight? It had to be broken up beaufort it got out of hand
What's the most popular American cheese sitcom? Curd Your Enthusiasm
My best wishes to you all!
Cheese Czarina!
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