Friday, June 18, 2010

That brine of mine is more than fine its Sublime!

Earlier this evening I went out to the barn to check on the little birds that recently hatched and as I was walking towards the barn I looked up and saw the half moon glow and a shooting star, and I of course made a wish! It was a super cheesy wish.
The business Jacobs Creamery was founded on an idea which basically was a whim that I wanted to make cheese and then more and more. It has sprung into something that brings me much joy. Looking through the catalog of winners from last years American Cheese Societies competition I am reminded that I have a long way to go.
I have many hopes and dreams in the forms of cheese that I still hope to make. Camembert, Tomme and aged Gouda would be fun and throw in a traditional Havarti and some Alpine cheeses and you get where I am going - more cheese please? Yes thank you.
Its good to have goals and struggles and successes and failures because that is what makes up life's experiences and make you look back and say 'I lived'. If I ever do get old (which will take a long time because I only age once every five years (milk keeps me young)) I will certainly look back and I will say "I did ten farmers markets a week!" I will be able to take my grandchildren into the cheese room and teach them the Jacobs Creamery recipes I will be able to look out onto the acreage and see them playing in the pastures and hopefully see them feed cheese curds and whey to the chickens, and read them my newsletters as good night stories. When I am old I think I will still have huge and amazing biceps and be able to move around hundreds of gallons of milk and product even though I am sure I will have a working milk pump. What I mostly look forward to is having a a real home for me and my business to grow and flourish a place where my grandkids can come and make cheese and where I can wake up in the middle of the night and run out in my nightie to check on the cheese. Those are my wants and dreams for when I am old.

Mostly when I look back on these last couple years I think of my Dad who has from day one been my hardest critic and also biggest fan. He was never too shy to tell me my cream cheese was too tangy and always had a good word for any yogurt and butter that was put in the kitchen. He carefully saves the smoked salmon trimmings for my chickens and loans me tables and tents in a flash and always lends me a hand packing up at the markets- even though my stuff is super heavy. We laugh when we get up in the middle of the night for markets and laugh when we are sore after sitting down on saturday afternoons. Most people assume that Jacobs Creamery is a family company and I often correct them and say - Ah no that is my parents business right next door. My Dad brought me up to think and act for myself so its only natural that I have my own business and sell right next door to his. Jacobs Creamery is a family business because without my Mum and Dads help it just wouldn't be the same.
In honor of fathers day I am having a Daddy's special on greek yogurt since its my Dads favorite thing to eat!

I am still young and vibrant and still full of vinegar, coagulant and cultures! So this week we have lots and lots of mozzarella.
Thank you Portland for your mad Mozz love! It loves you too. This week you can find some new recipe ideas up on Facebook! We have enough mozzarella for all of your salads!
Please come check us out we have updates on products, markets and availability!
We also have feta which is a creamy delight and I promise you I did not add cream - its just wonderful. That brine of mine is more than fine- its sublime! Come by for a taste!

This saturday we will be at PSU and Hollywood and Sunday you can find us at King, Milwaukie and Hillsdale.
Monday you can find us at the new Pioneer Square market, Tuesday Cannon Beach
Wednesday Interstate Farmers Market, Thursday Hood river and 23rd!
If you can say all of that in the correct order without a cheat sheet I will give you a pudding!

Be well and please eat more dairy. Give your Dad a hug and by him some yogurt - its very good for the digestion.

Customer "If I buy this will I get pregnant" Vanae "Oh no its not the cheese you have to worry about its the wine that can be a problem!"

"Are your eggs pasteurized" - this cracked me up because if you heat eggs up to 145 degrees for half an hour you would have baked eggs!

Adieu Adieu
Until next time
Yours always
Cheese Czarina!!

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