Hello welcome to this weeks Newsletter!
Yesterday evening after completing my second batch of cheese for the day I went home and waited for dusk to settle, eagerly anticipating my very first country frogging experience. Despite your overactive imagination frogging in the country does not entail a devastatingly handsome French man of about 6'2 waiting for me on my porch swing with a nice glass of Chateau de Beareguard. Frogging as the name suggests has more to do with catching frogs (or trying to) than handsome french men. Once I heard the croaks of the evening frogs I went out in my Hunter boots carrying a flashlight for my frog hunt. Settled in the far end of the eighty five acres nestled Mighty Moo and his flock of lady moo cows. I figured that there was a good distance between us and that all would be well. In the way way way way back of mind I remembered my neighbor telling me what a mean bull Mighty Moo was, but it was only at the way way way way back of my mind. I was in fact hunting for a little four year old boy's birthday present (NOT anti-angiogenic drugs) so I was trying to find a little toad before I froze to death out on the pasture. I was listening so intently to the ribbit and croak that I did not even see that Mighty Moo had decided to run right to me (also known in cow terms as charging) with his heard of lady Moos in tow. Oh shit. Sadly I did not drop a piece of my clothing as a diversion and run the other way. All I could do was think OH SHIT. I looked at the fence and it was far away there was no where for me to run because the pond is in the middle of the pasture. For the first time in my life it seemed I remained silent as the herd ran through the pond (which I have never ever seen them do) and passed me on both sides. I was left with a thick layer of mud caked on my face, legs and arms and in my hair but I was alive! I was alive!!!
Frogging alone at night with a temperamental bull in the field was not one of my brightest ideas.
Thankfully I survived and even managed to make some herbed fromage blanc the next day :)
For those of you that have not been bound and gagged and thrown in your basement and have been able to make it to the Portland State Farmers market you know how absolutely fabulous it has been. The new 'foot print' which is what all the PFM hipsters are calling it has proven to be very successful.
Our fresh spring pasture cultured butter will be plentiful this weekend- you can come by for a sample on some matzo this week since its Pesach and I don't want to get the evil eye from my parents for being a bad Jew and sampling it on bread.
In addition we will be having a special on our creme friache which pairs beautifully with some fresh spring vegetables that are popping up out of the ground and onto the vegetable stands.
We will also have an assortment of our aged cheeses that have been so popular these last few weeks. I will refrain from writing any lyrics about my cheeses this week but we will not be refraining from sampling them at the market so please stop by for a little nibble or two and let us tell you what is new!
Since its Easter and I am sure everyone is on the hunt for some eggs, you should know that we will have a bountiful amount. They are all very clean too, since my egg cleaner was on spring break I washed them ALL by hand myself. So clean eggs we will have and they will be in very festive spring pink eggs cartons. :)
Please stay tuned for next weeks newsletter which will be titled 'The cheese maker and 150 Ewes' and I will also feature some pictures of our new golden laying hens!
Yours always- and still alive!
Cheese Czarina!
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