Friday, April 9, 2010

"I love me some Jacobs Creamery"

Its game time people- that's right game time!
Its clearly full season and the whole point of my existence is clear - make cheese- more cheese- make cheese and repeat- its comforting to know what it is I am supposed to do.
I having milk choices. I did two batches of full sheep's milk cheese this week. One will make its appearance in three months the other datatada! will make an appearance on Saturday at PSU and Sunday of course at Ol Faithful (aka Hillsdale farmers market).

Sometimes the cheese making part and the animals and the milk and milking and the scheduling and the markets and the weather and new products and more rainy weather and almost getting killed by a bull, and my girls getting pink eye and a sprained ankle all somehow overwhelm me. When this happens I usually go online and check flights to Italy and start planning my getaway.
My mind starts to wander to what ifs..........
What if when I got off the plane in Milan one of the Stoppani Brothers (who own Peck one of the most glamorous cheese shops in the world) met me at my plane and welcomed me to Italy and had arranged a tour of all my favorite Italian cheese-makers! What if he whisked me away to dairy after dairy and creamery after creamery teaching me all the practical things that I don't know now. What if when I thought nothing could get better we arrived in Campagnia where I met the cheese maker of a wonderful mascarpone di buffala. It just so happens in my hypothetical situation that the son is a mere 31 years old and is devastatingly handsome and would like someone to make cheese with. Of course he invites me to make cheese with him in his yellow tiled cheese room and hands me the ph meter so that I can control the cheese making. Afterward he would show me his herd of jersey cows, and the sheep and then water buffalo and then goats and then we would sit down and he would put the kettle on and ask me if I ever thought of milking a Moose.
aaahhhhh What a perfect world it could be with my what ifs!
And then the timer dings and I have to stir the vat again... But at least you will know where to find me if I am suddenly gone....

We all have our days or weeks sometimes when you just don't quite feel yourself-when your smile is a little upside down or when you feel like pulling the covers over your head or crying while simultaneously flushing your blackberry down the toilet- where no amount of Enya or Norah Jones does you any good...
Which is why I make one of the most ultimate comfort foods around. My signature Jacobs Creamery pudding is certainly something to lift your spirits! It can of course be used in a variety of different situations some of which you might never have ever thought of. Personality always shines through with how one gets the pudding out. Some like to scoop it out with a large spoon and some a cookie and some use their imaginations ;)
However you consume it you should know that it was carefully crafted to lift your spirits and make you smile. A picture of my absolute favorite pudding fan is attached!

Although its grammatically incorrect I did hear the following at the farmers market last weekend.
"I love me some Jacobs Creamery"
I know my fourth grade teacher would cringe -but I really think it would make a great bumper sticker!

Yours always
Cheese Czarina bobina fafa fofina! yeah!

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