So some of you may remember way back when I was on a hunt for Moose milk. It was wonderful how many of you turned into cheerleaders and did the splits with your pom poms and egged me on. It was sad, very sad when I returned on my Moose milk hunt with no milk A recent article on cheese made from a turtle again sparked my interest in cheese made from out of the norm animals. Moose milk cheese, turtle cheese maybe? What about horse milk cheese?
A week or two ago I was interviewing candidates to assist us in the milking of our sheep- its lovely to hear of the hum of the milk parlor again. When he answered my question "Have you ever milked anything before?' with a detailed explanation on how to milk a horse I knew I had found that special someone.
I filed this information away, not thinking that it would ever be useful.
One of my friends takes great pride in having his animals procreate. After moving on from breeding puppies he decided that baby horses were more interesting. Which is exactly how I came to have access to a lactating horse! According to an article in Draft horse Journal horse milk is a gourmet delicacy that has sweet undertones. The article states "Horse milk strengthens the body, boosts the immune system and increases a person’s energy and vitality."
The article also states "The adrenaline rush from milking a high-strung Arabian mare is like nothing else".
I am certain that I could use an adrenaline rush/energy boost and I would never ever say no to an increase in vitality so I have decided that I am of course going to milk a lactating horse! The last time I rode a horse was in the south of France in the country side - my horse obviously saw a mirage and took off through numerous amounts of corn fields with me screaming stop instead of arete! But milking is a WHOLE other ballpark.
I really do think that this will be a special moment in history and so I will be filming it and posting it up on my web site as part of a series of historical moments. It will be under the tab Jacobs Creamery moments in History. I am hoping that it will be amusing as well as informational. I promise that I will provide a review about the flavor of the horse milk.
This week I have pulled from the 'cave' some lovely Two Faced Blue which has been aged for a dazzling four months now. This is our sheep cow blend blue and this batch has a particularly sweet zingy tone and has some lovely creamy bluey undertones.
We will also have more of our fresh sheeps milk cheese and plenty of our fresh hand scooped italian style ricotta. Due to the fact that yogurt is very good for you and due to the fact that ours is incredibly tasty we will be having a special special on it this week. Please come by for samples and wish me luck!
Adieu Adieu
So long Farewell
Yours always with a zing and some bling
Cheese Czarina!
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